18325 North Allied Way Suite#110
Phoenix, Arizona 85054

Liposuction Scottsdale

Liposuction is a fat removal and body contouring procedure that can eliminate stubborn pockets of fat and give you a slimmer, sleeker, and more defined figure. The Plastic Surgery Center of Scottsdale offers liposuction for men and women who want to get rid of their stubborn fat and enhance the appearance of their figure.

Is Liposuction Right for Me?

For many of us, dieting and exercise simply won’t cut it in terms of helping us achieve our ideal body. Even with a healthy lifestyle, many people struggle to shed stubborn fat deposits around the waist, thighs, neck, and arms. Many women also struggle with excess fat following pregnancy. Fortunately, there is liposuction, a popular cosmetic procedure that is performed on thousands of people each year.

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that is designed to slim and reshape specific areas of the body. The procedure is capable of removing fat from the thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, waist, upper arms, back, inner knee, cheeks, calves, ankles, and more. The procedure is also used to augment the results of a facelift or breast reduction.

How Is Liposuction Performed?

The basics of the procedure involve making tiny incisions where a thin, hollow tube called a cannula is inserted. The cannula is attached to a suction device that suctions out the fat. There are enhanced techniques available, such as tumescent liposuction. Tumescent liposuction involves using tumescent anesthesia, which allows the patient to be awake and comfortable during the procedure. Tumescent liposuction is one of the most popular techniques and is known for reducing healing times and having an impeccable safety record.

The amount of fat to be removed depends on the area and the goals of the patient. Some patients may have the urge to remove as much fat as possible, but this also poses the risk of creating lumpiness, dents, or an unnatural result. If the area being treated has loose sagging skin, a body contouring procedure like a body lift may be needed. For Scottsdale residents interested in liposuction, please schedule a consultation with our office to determine the best treatment plan for you.

Liposuction Treatment Areas

Liposuction can be performed and large areas like the stomach or back, and more delicate areas like the face and pubic area. Liposuction is commonly performed on the:

  • Chin
  • Neck
  • Chest (gynecomastia)
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Stomach
  • Flanks
  • Thighs


I highly recommend Dr. Daiza for any cosmetic surgery procedure you are looking to have done. She is thorough, patient, knowledgeable, and extremely caring. She is accessible post-surgery and responds back to you very quickly to answer your questions and concerns. I could not have been happier with my experience with her.


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Recovering from Liposuction

The recovery period is relatively short, with patients being able to return to work within a few days of the procedure, depending on the amount of fat removed. Pain medication is available to ensure the patient’s comfort, and a compression garment may also be provided to control swelling. If you are in Scottsdale, one of the best ways to ensure a satisfactory result is to consult with an experienced practitioner and discuss your goals and expectations. Liposuction is not meant to be a replacement for dieting and exercise but rather a method to help already healthy individuals sculpt their bodies closer to their ideals.

Liposuction Cost 

The cost of liposuction will depend on the number of areas being treated and the amount of work required to achieve the patient’s desired results. The Plastic Surgery Center of Scottsdale offers financing options for our patients. 

Schedule a Consultation

Contact the Plastic Surgery Center of Scottsdale today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Daiza for your liposuction. We can help to enhance the appearance of your figure and provide you with excellent results from your liposuction.

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